Facial care is an integral part of everyday life to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. While you do not have any problems with the skin - time, environment, lifestyle can impact on the condition of the skin. It should be well hydrated. The skin needs daily cleaning and care according to the specific needs. New generation cosmetics products successfully figh a lot of dermatological problems. Smoothing wrinkles, tightening of the face, shrinking pores and many other problems are no longer "mission impossible." The market now offers Biocosmetics that has very beneficial effects on the skin. Pay attention to the active ingredients in each product - their properties work tirelessly on your skin. Choose the right product for you!
When the skin is dehydrated, sensitivity, redness, irritation and even excessive compensatory oiliness often occur. It begins to look grayish, with an unpleasant feeling of tightness, and not long after, significantly more visible and deep lines and wrinkles appear.
Lack of hydration and nourishment of the skin can lead to a number of troubles, such as wrinkles, pigmentation and redness, as well as more serious problems, such as allergies and skin irritations.
Dry and dehydrated skin looks tired and withered. To prevent all this, we need to use quality products that keep the skin in good health and radiant. To protect your skin from the harmful effects of the environment, age and unhealthy habits, it needs intensive hydration during both the hot and cold months of the year.
It is important to know that every skin needs hydration, even that of women over 25 years of age. Another misconception is that oily skin does not need hydration. Dehydration is a momentary condition and because of this, it can occur in any skin type, including oily. Of course, moisturizers are designed for different skin types, and if you have oily skin, choose a moisturizer that is designed for it. This applies to all skin types. The most common ingredients used in the formulas of hydration and nourishment products are: D-panthenol. In addition to the deep hydration it gives to the skin, this ingredient has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, which helps heal small pimples and sores. Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid envelops the epidermis with a protective film, thus retaining moisture in the skin. It is considered the most effective method of hydrating the skin. Glycerin. Glycerin is a very common component in cosmetics. In skin cosmetics, it has great moisturizing and moisturizing effects. Vegetable and natural oils. Very often you can find vegetable and natural oils in the composition of quality creams for hydration and nourishment. Rose oil, olive oil, aloe vera, coconut oil, almonds are just a few of the ingredients that contribute to perfect hydration, hydration and nourishment of the skin. Vitamins. The main vitamins that you can find in the compositions of nourishing and hydrating creams are A, E, F and C. Vitamin A has a rejuvenating effect. Vitamin E has strong antioxidant properties that protect the epidermis. Vitamin F helps maintain skin elasticity and rejuvenation. Vitamin C promotes tissue regeneration and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Softens and moisturizes the skin. Beauty always comes from the inside out, so if you want to have beautiful skin, you need to take care of its health from the inside. In addition to well-chosen cosmetics, a healthy lifestyle is also important for the skin, but also for your overall condition and tone. With us you will find great products for nourishing, moisturizing and hydrating the skin. Frequent hydration is a must if you want to have healthy and beautiful skin. Especially in the summer and winter seasons, when the skin is most vulnerable, it is good to use these products daily.
Give the best to your skin to always look young, nourished and dazzling.Vazhno e da znaete, che vsyaka kozha se nuzhdae ot khidratatsiya, dori i tazi na damite sled 25 godishna vŭzrast. Drugo pogreshno skhvashtane e, che maznata kozha ne se nuzhdae ot khidratatsiya. Dekhidratatsiyata e momentno sŭstoyanie i tochno poradi tova, mozhe da se proyavi pri vseki tip kozha, vklyuchitelno i maznata. Razbira se, khidratirashtite produkti sa prednaznacheni za razlichnite tipove kozha i ako pritezhavate mazna kozha, izberete khidratirasht krem, koĭto e prednaznachen za neya. Tova se otnasya za vseki tip kozha. Naĭ-chesto sreshtanite sŭstavki vlozheni vŭv formulite na produktite za khidratatsiya i podkhranvane sa: D-pantenol. Osven dŭlbokata khidratatsiya, s koyato daryava kozhata, tazi sŭstavka pritezhava protivovŭzpalitelen i uspokoyavasht efekt, koeto podpomaga zarastveaneto na malki pŭpchitsi i ranichki. Khialuronova kiselina Khialuronovata kiselina obgrŭshta epidermisa sŭs zashtiten film, kato po tozi nachin zadŭrzha vlagata v kozhata. Tya e smyatana za naĭ-efektivniyat metod za khidratirane na kozhata. Glitserin. Glitserinŭt e mnogo chesto sreshtan komponent v kozmetikata. V kozmetika za kozha, toĭ ima strakhotni khidratirashti i ovlazhnyavashti deĭstviya. Rastitelni i naturalni masla. Mnogo chesto mogat da se sreshtnat rastitelni i naturalni masla v sŭstavite na kachestvenite kremovete za khidratirane i podkhranvane. Rozovo maslo, maslo ot maslina, aloe vera, kokosovo maslo, badem sa samo malka chast ot sŭstavkite, koito doprinasyat za perfektnata khidratatsiya, ovlazhnyavane i podkhranvane na kozhata na litseto. Vitamini. Osnovni vitamini, koĭto mozhete da sreshtnete v sŭstavite na kremovete za podkhranvane i khidratirane sa A, E, F i C. Vitamin A pritezhava podmladyavashto deĭstvie. Vitamin E pritezhava silni antioksidantni svoĭstva, koito predpazvat epidermisa. Vitamin F spomaga za zapazvanto na elastichnostta i podmladyavaneto na kozhata. Vitamin C spomaga za regeneratsiyata na tŭkanite i pritezhava protivovŭzpalitelno i antialergichno deĭstvie. Omekotyava i ovlazhnyava kozhata. Krasotata vinagi idva otvŭtre navŭn, za tova, ako iskate da pritezhavate prekrasna kozha e neobkhodimo da se grizhite za neĭnoto zdrave otvŭtre. Osven dobre podbranata kozmetika, zdravoslovniyat nachin na zhivot sŭshto e vazhen za kozhata, a i za tsyalostnoto Vi sŭstoyanie i tonus. Pri nas shte otkriete strakhotni produkti za podkhranvane, ovlazhnyavane i khidratirane na kozhata. Chestata khidratatsiya e zadŭlzhitelna, ako iskate da pritezhavate zdrava i krasiva kozha. Osobeno v letnite i zimnite sezoni, kogato kozhata e naĭ-uyazvima e dobre da izpolzvate tezi produkti ezhednevno. Daĭte naĭ-dobroto na Vashata kozha, za da izglezhda vinagi mlada, podkhranena i oslepitelna.
It is important to know that every skin needs hydration, even that of women over 25 years of age. Another misconception is that oily skin does not need hydration. Dehydration is a momentary condition and because of this, it can occur in any skin type, including oily. Of course, moisturizers are designed for different skin types, and if you have oily skin, choose a moisturizer that is designed for it. This applies to all skin types. The most common ingredients used in the formulas of hydration and nourishment products are: D-panthenol. In addition to the deep hydration it gives to the skin, this ingredient has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, which helps heal small pimples and sores. Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid envelops the epidermis with a protective film, thus retaining moisture in the skin. It is considered the most effective method of hydrating the skin. Glycerin. Glycerin is a very common component in cosmetics. In skin cosmetics, it has great moisturizing and moisturizing effects. Vegetable and natural oils. Very often you can find vegetable and natural oils in the composition of quality creams for hydration and nourishment. Rose oil, olive oil, aloe vera, coconut oil, almonds are just a few of the ingredients that contribute to perfect hydration, hydration and nourishment of the skin. Vitamins. The main vitamins that you can find in the compositions of nourishing and hydrating creams are A, E, F and C. Vitamin A has a rejuvenating effect. Vitamin E has strong antioxidant properties that protect the epidermis. Vitamin F helps maintain skin elasticity and rejuvenation. Vitamin C promotes tissue regeneration and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Softens and moisturizes the skin. Beauty always comes from the inside out, so if you want to have beautiful skin, you need to take care of its health from the inside. In addition to well-chosen cosmetics, a healthy lifestyle is also important for the skin, but also for your overall condition and tone. With us you will find great products for nourishing, moisturizing and hydrating the skin. Frequent hydration is a must if you want to have healthy and beautiful skin. Especially in the summer and winter seasons, when the skin is most vulnerable, it is good to use these products daily.
Give the best to your skin to always look young, nourished and dazzling.Vazhno e da znaete, che vsyaka kozha se nuzhdae ot khidratatsiya, dori i tazi na damite sled 25 godishna vŭzrast. Drugo pogreshno skhvashtane e, che maznata kozha ne se nuzhdae ot khidratatsiya. Dekhidratatsiyata e momentno sŭstoyanie i tochno poradi tova, mozhe da se proyavi pri vseki tip kozha, vklyuchitelno i maznata. Razbira se, khidratirashtite produkti sa prednaznacheni za razlichnite tipove kozha i ako pritezhavate mazna kozha, izberete khidratirasht krem, koĭto e prednaznachen za neya. Tova se otnasya za vseki tip kozha. Naĭ-chesto sreshtanite sŭstavki vlozheni vŭv formulite na produktite za khidratatsiya i podkhranvane sa: D-pantenol. Osven dŭlbokata khidratatsiya, s koyato daryava kozhata, tazi sŭstavka pritezhava protivovŭzpalitelen i uspokoyavasht efekt, koeto podpomaga zarastveaneto na malki pŭpchitsi i ranichki. Khialuronova kiselina Khialuronovata kiselina obgrŭshta epidermisa sŭs zashtiten film, kato po tozi nachin zadŭrzha vlagata v kozhata. Tya e smyatana za naĭ-efektivniyat metod za khidratirane na kozhata. Glitserin. Glitserinŭt e mnogo chesto sreshtan komponent v kozmetikata. V kozmetika za kozha, toĭ ima strakhotni khidratirashti i ovlazhnyavashti deĭstviya. Rastitelni i naturalni masla. Mnogo chesto mogat da se sreshtnat rastitelni i naturalni masla v sŭstavite na kachestvenite kremovete za khidratirane i podkhranvane. Rozovo maslo, maslo ot maslina, aloe vera, kokosovo maslo, badem sa samo malka chast ot sŭstavkite, koito doprinasyat za perfektnata khidratatsiya, ovlazhnyavane i podkhranvane na kozhata na litseto. Vitamini. Osnovni vitamini, koĭto mozhete da sreshtnete v sŭstavite na kremovete za podkhranvane i khidratirane sa A, E, F i C. Vitamin A pritezhava podmladyavashto deĭstvie. Vitamin E pritezhava silni antioksidantni svoĭstva, koito predpazvat epidermisa. Vitamin F spomaga za zapazvanto na elastichnostta i podmladyavaneto na kozhata. Vitamin C spomaga za regeneratsiyata na tŭkanite i pritezhava protivovŭzpalitelno i antialergichno deĭstvie. Omekotyava i ovlazhnyava kozhata. Krasotata vinagi idva otvŭtre navŭn, za tova, ako iskate da pritezhavate prekrasna kozha e neobkhodimo da se grizhite za neĭnoto zdrave otvŭtre. Osven dobre podbranata kozmetika, zdravoslovniyat nachin na zhivot sŭshto e vazhen za kozhata, a i za tsyalostnoto Vi sŭstoyanie i tonus. Pri nas shte otkriete strakhotni produkti za podkhranvane, ovlazhnyavane i khidratirane na kozhata. Chestata khidratatsiya e zadŭlzhitelna, ako iskate da pritezhavate zdrava i krasiva kozha. Osobeno v letnite i zimnite sezoni, kogato kozhata e naĭ-uyazvima e dobre da izpolzvate tezi produkti ezhednevno. Daĭte naĭ-dobroto na Vashata kozha, za da izglezhda vinagi mlada, podkhranena i oslepitelna.