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Home ALL HAIR AMPOULES 6 product(s)

Damaged Hair Treatment

There are a number of factors that can make hair dry and exhausted. A small percentage of people are genetically predisposed to dry hair. Usually we exhaust ourselves and make our hair dry, and adverse external influences help a lot. Factors for damage and drying of the hair can be of different nature. Here are the most common causes that damage and deplete hair and a few small tips on how to prevent them:

Adverse weather conditions - This is a very common cause of damage and exhaustion of the hair. The sun is quite aggressive towards the hair and can cause a lot of damage. For this reason, we recommend that you use products that have UV or other types of protection that protect the hair from damage.

Chemical treatment and excessive use of heat treatment appliances. - All this treatment of hair exhausts, dehydrates and damages it. Reduce the use of appliances at the expense of products that will do the same job, or if you still can't give them up, use thermal protection products before using the appliance.

Whatever the cause of exhausted and dry hair, it is necessary to take special care of it. The complex therapy will bring the withered, exhausted and damaged hair back to life.

Ampoules are a complementary therapy to the overall care of exhausted hair. To have hair that looks perfect on the outside and is healthy on the inside, you need to apply a comprehensive care that includes shampoo, conditioner or mask and ampoules for exhausted hair.

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Exhausted hair products:

stimulate the vital functions of the hair
prevent the formation of dry and flowering edges
prevent hair breakage
restore the natural elasticity and shine of the hair
nourish the hair in depth is making it healthier, more vibrant and resilient
They have a strong restorative and nourishing effect. They give elasticity, shine and effective hair care. Prevent tearing and flowering.

Ampoules for exhausted hair are designed to strengthen the hair and protect it from potential damage. Vitamins and minerals added to hair ampoules supply energy to the scalp. The deep layers are restored, as well as the density between the cuticle and the hair cortex.

They fight the impact of heat treatment with various devices, which damages the surface of the hair and causes breakage, excessive flowering and exhaustion of the hair. They work in depth, which is why the results are more lasting and effective. The hair is hydrated, restored and strengthened.

The ampoules can be used alone or used in a complete hair restoration therapy. Comprehensive therapy for exhausted hair includes the use of shampoo, conditioner or mask and ampoules for exhausted hair. This is the most effective way to get professional hair care at home. This therapy will provide your hair with everything it needs. It will restore, nourish and regenerate it in depth. It will give a great natural shine and vitality.

It has never been easier to get perfect hair!

With us you will find everything you need to apply a comprehensive, intensive therapy for your hair. Take a look at our special professional series, which offer complex care for exhausted hair. Bring the results of the beauty salon home.

Exhausted hair products:

stimulate the vital functions of the hair
prevent the formation of dry and flowering edges
prevent hair breakage
restore the natural elasticity and shine of the hair
nourish the hair in depth is making it healthier, more vibrant and resilient
They have a strong restorative and nourishing effect. They give elasticity, shine and effective hair care. Prevent tearing and flowering.

Ampoules for exhausted hair are designed to strengthen the hair and protect it from potential damage. Vitamins and minerals added to hair ampoules supply energy to the scalp. The deep layers are restored, as well as the density between the cuticle and the hair cortex.

They fight the impact of heat treatment with various devices, which damages the surface of the hair and causes breakage, excessive flowering and exhaustion of the hair. They work in depth, which is why the results are more lasting and effective. The hair is hydrated, restored and strengthened.

The ampoules can be used alone or used in a complete hair restoration therapy. Comprehensive therapy for exhausted hair includes the use of shampoo, conditioner or mask and ampoules for exhausted hair. This is the most effective way to get professional hair care at home. This therapy will provide your hair with everything it needs. It will restore, nourish and regenerate it in depth. It will give a great natural shine and vitality.

It has never been easier to get perfect hair!

With us you will find everything you need to apply a comprehensive, intensive therapy for your hair. Take a look at our special professional series, which offer complex care for exhausted hair. Bring the results of the beauty salon home.

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