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€10 - €67





Home Hair Treatment 25 product(s)


Exhausted hair is a common occurrence. It is caused by excessive treatment of the hair with heat appliances / presses, curling irons, hair dryers and more. /, as well as the chemical treatment / dyeing, cold perming, permanent straightening, etc./ and the unfavorable environmental factors. Exhausted hair is often accompanied by blooming ends, lifelessness, lack of volume and shine.

To deal with withered, exhausted and flabby hair, sometimes it is not enough just to use a good shampoo and mask. It is necessary to provide complex care for the hair, which will effectively and permanently deal with the damage and prevent its subsequent appearance.

We have selected for you quality products that are proven in the therapy for exhausted hair. You will find great professional products of world famous brands that have a proven effect in hair care.

Remember that the therapy for exhausted hair should be complex and include in addition to complementary products / serum, lotion, spray and more. / - shampoo, mask, conditioner and ampoules. This is the surest way to deal with exhausted and withered hair.

With us you will find quality products that will get rid of lifeless, exhausted and withered hair, leaving in its place a healthy, nourished and beautiful mane.

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Very suitable and highly valued are products such as:

Crystals for hair
Hair crystals effectively protect the hair from adverse effects on it. In addition to being a very good protector of hair, they restore it and restore its strength, vitality and elasticity.
Restorative hair serums
These serums build a protective film on the hair and thus protect it from daily treatment and harmful external influences. They moisturize the hair, strengthen it and are very suitable for dry, torn and blooming ends.
Great oils with natural plant ingredients - Argan oil, Coconut oil, Cocoa butter, Almond oil, Olive oil, Rosehip oil, Apricot oil, Peach oil, Sesame oil, Shea butter, Avocado oil, Jojoba oil, butter from Macadamia, Monoi oil, Safflower oil, Wheat germ oil / Wheat /, Grape seed oil, etc.

These oils are a saturated extract of an ingredient and their effects on the hair are stunning. You can apply them directly on the hair and damaged areas of it or mix them in homemade masks for exhausted hair. The method by which you choose to apply them, you must take into account your hair type and its needs.

If the hair has oily roots, for example, it is good to apply the products only along the length and not at the roots to avoid excessive oiling of the scalp. If you have a dry scalp, you can apply it to the roots, but do not do it too often, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Hair silicones
Hair silicone is very effective in combating blooming ends. Gives exhausted and damaged hair with gentle and delicate care. Restores the strength of the hair and thickens it, making the hair visibly more vibrant and elastic.
Two-phase lotions and hair sprays
Two-phase fluids, lotions and sprays act simultaneously on the inner and outer part of the hair. They have a double action, which in turn means that you combine the action of two products in one.

Very suitable and highly valued are products such as:

Crystals for hair
Hair crystals effectively protect the hair from adverse effects on it. In addition to being a very good protector of hair, they restore it and restore its strength, vitality and elasticity.
Restorative hair serums
These serums build a protective film on the hair and thus protect it from daily treatment and harmful external influences. They moisturize the hair, strengthen it and are very suitable for dry, torn and blooming ends.
Great oils with natural plant ingredients - Argan oil, Coconut oil, Cocoa butter, Almond oil, Olive oil, Rosehip oil, Apricot oil, Peach oil, Sesame oil, Shea butter, Avocado oil, Jojoba oil, butter from Macadamia, Monoi oil, Safflower oil, Wheat germ oil / Wheat /, Grape seed oil, etc.

These oils are a saturated extract of an ingredient and their effects on the hair are stunning. You can apply them directly on the hair and damaged areas of it or mix them in homemade masks for exhausted hair. The method by which you choose to apply them, you must take into account your hair type and its needs.

If the hair has oily roots, for example, it is good to apply the products only along the length and not at the roots to avoid excessive oiling of the scalp. If you have a dry scalp, you can apply it to the roots, but do not do it too often, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Hair silicones
Hair silicone is very effective in combating blooming ends. Gives exhausted and damaged hair with gentle and delicate care. Restores the strength of the hair and thickens it, making the hair visibly more vibrant and elastic.
Two-phase lotions and hair sprays
Two-phase fluids, lotions and sprays act simultaneously on the inner and outer part of the hair. They have a double action, which in turn means that you combine the action of two products in one.

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