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€14 - €23
Home COSMETICS FOR MEN 4 product(s)


Need the right accessories for a perfect smooth shave? With us you will find the most necessary products to maintain your perfect appearance and at the same time keep your skin healthy and without irritation.


After shaving, apply a moisturizer or lotion - for women or aftershave - for men. This will prevent irritation and redness.


It is best to perform this procedure while in the shower with warm water, as it will further soften the hair. When shaving - make short movements. When you make too long lines, too much product and hairs are collected and the result is not good at all. It is best to make short movements, washing the razor after each one. What products do you need for a quality shave? Shaving gel or foam - with these products, in addition to making shaving much easier, the skin is protected and softened before starting the procedure. Quality razor - choose the razor carefully, because it depends to a large extent on how easy and painless this procedure will be. Aftershave or After Shave Lotion - Don't underestimate aftershave. These products will prevent redness and irritation of the skin and will take care of its overall condition.

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What do we need to know about shaving to have perfectly smooth skin without injuries and redness? Never start shaving on dry skin. This risks damaging the skin and causing redness. Good preparation before shaving is an important step to protect your skin from injury and get the best results. The use of shaving gel or foam, in addition to providing you with comfort, will prepare the hairs for this procedure by softening them and allowing the razor to glide more smoothly and easily. Don't be fooled that the razor's moisturizing tape can replace these products. It is designed to make it easier for the razor to slide, but it cannot soften the hair. Bet on quality razors. The shaver is of great importance for a smooth, even and accident-free shave. Choose products with more blades and quality moisturizing tape. The investment is worth it! Regular replacement of the razor is very important. It is not good to use an old razor with blunt blades. Apart from the fact that shaving can be very painful, no matter how much you wash it, bacteria remain on the blades, which can irritate the skin,

What do we need to know about shaving to have perfectly smooth skin without injuries and redness? Never start shaving on dry skin. This risks damaging the skin and causing redness. Good preparation before shaving is an important step to protect your skin from injury and get the best results. The use of shaving gel or foam, in addition to providing you with comfort, will prepare the hairs for this procedure by softening them and allowing the razor to glide more smoothly and easily. Don't be fooled that the razor's moisturizing tape can replace these products. It is designed to make it easier for the razor to slide, but it cannot soften the hair. Bet on quality razors. The shaver is of great importance for a smooth, even and accident-free shave. Choose products with more blades and quality moisturizing tape. The investment is worth it! Regular replacement of the razor is very important. It is not good to use an old razor with blunt blades. Apart from the fact that shaving can be very painful, no matter how much you wash it, bacteria remain on the blades, which can irritate the skin,

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