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Home ALL HAIR AMPOULES Hair Growth Treatments

Hair Growth Treatments

Women from an early age dream of long hair like Rapunzel, but unfortunately not everyone is blessed with this gift. However, this should not bother you, because there are already many means by which you can stimulate rapid hair growth.

However, if you want the most effective and long-lasting results possible, trust the stimulating hair products. They are specially designed to help hair grow much faster and healthier, softer and shinier.

Hair growth ampoules are the most effective way to get a long and lush mane as quickly as possible. In addition to enhancing growth, they will take care of the overall health of the hair. They can be used alone or as an adjunct in the overall therapy for rapid growth.

The main natural ingredients that you will find in the products for faster hair growth are:

Olive tree extract - It improves the microcirculation of the scalp and strengthens the hair roots, which in turn stimulates growth.
Rosemary oil - In addition to stimulating hair growth, rosemary is a helper in preventing hair loss and takes care of the overall condition of the hair. It strengthens it and makes it more resilient.
Castor oil - Castor oil has a strong antibacterial and antifungal effect. Contains substances that strengthen and nourish the hair, stimulating its healthy growth.
Jojoba oil - Jojoba oil has the ability to close the follicles, thus retaining moisture in the hair and preventing it from drying out. This is a prerequisite for improving the health of hair and stimulating its natural growth.

Other common ingredients are: Almond oil, Nettle, Hops, Coconut oil, Quinine, Avocado oil, Aloe vera and others.
All these ingredients embedded in the formulas of the products have a very beneficial effect on hair growth, while nourishing, hydrating and restoring it, and nourished and moisturized skin and stimulated roots ensure the growth of healthy hair with flexible, healthy and shiny hair.

Ampoules are extremely important for achieving longer lasting and effective results. In combination with growth shampoo, you will enjoy long, soft and shiny hair.

Price: €15.34

Farcom Seri Bioproten Restructuring Lotion 12х10ml

Ampoules for hair with a restorative effect. Contains cottonseed extracts that are rich in protein and vitamin B. Effectively nourish and balance hair after thermal and chemical procedures such as perming and coloring. Creates excellent conditions for stimulating hair growth and restructuring. Seri Bioproten is an intensive care to restore hair growth. Moisturizing and restoring the natural balance of hair, protect against natural and chemical stress, prolong the life of hair color. Cotton seed extract is rich in protein, sugars and vitamin B, which thanks its moisturizing and soothing properties help to restore the natural balance of the hair affected by the chemical treatment.

Price: €17.63
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In order to be proud owners of long and thick hair, you need to take special care of it and stimulate it intensively.

First we will give you some tips on how to take proper care of your hair:

Trim the tips more often
The split ends do not allow the hair to grow so fast, so it is good to remove them every 1-2 months. Thus, the hair becomes stronger and more vibrant and, accordingly, begins to grow faster.
Massage the scalp
Scalp massage has a very stimulating effect on the hair, improving blood circulation and increasing blood flow to the roots. Through the massage, the hair obtains the necessary substances for faster growth.
Reduce hair treatment
Excessive use of heat treatment and chemical treatment of hair damages the structure of the hair and thus slows down growth. If you still need to, be sure to use protective products that will protect it from severe damage and tearing.
Be careful with combing your hair
Aggressive hair combing is a serious prerequisite for hair breakage and damage. Comb gently and use a large-toothed comb or natural hair brush. If your hair is very tangled, use easy combing products that will make your hair as easy as possible and protect it.
These are some basic rules that if you follow for sure you will not only accelerate hair growth, but also take care of its health and beautiful appearance.

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